Collect 2 and unlock a Custom Duo
Spungeblob (004) + Fatrick Star (081)
Pikachode (007) + Ash Ketchcum (273)
Tuggs Bunny (019) + Flashy Duck (036)
Stiff-Woody (021) + Buzzed Lightbear (068)
Reek (025) + Warty (174)
Dicklett (547) + Weenie Da Poop (028)
Scooby-DooDoo (046) + Saggy (186)
Armold (049) + Germold (312)
Donkey Dong (063) + Diddler Kong (387)
Growku (064) + Vageta (225)
Pervy Red (074) + Thicc Yellow (163)
Family Jewels Winnfield (078) + Grincent (548)
The Pervalorian (282) + Baby Brogu (101)
Hung Solo (134) + Chewcockka (118)
Logan Fall (121) + Jake Fall (402)
Spunk (124) + Captain Smirk (562)
Rennessy Hoek (149) + Stumpy (278)
Fred Flintbone (164) + Darney Stubble (392)
Cumby (169) + Smokey (583)
Dinky (172) + The Drain (569)
Charlie Brown-Noser (212) + Snooper (244)
Pyu (252) + Fren (510)
Wartio (288) + Waloogie (465)
Shercock (302) + Squatson (644)
Gloc Dog (320) + Asstray (701)
Marty McFry (389) + Dr. Emmett Clown (581)
Nacho Man (272) + Bulk Hogan (086)
Squirt (443) + Pernie (617)
Michael Bourbon (023) + Scottie Poppin (417)
Skeev (444) + Bleu (635)
Lloyd Pervmas (602) + Hairy Bumbe (687)
Chandler Bang (307) + Joey Shmoey (637)
Levi Asserman (159) + Vermin Smith (688)
Frodo Beggins (310) + Samwise Scamgee (679)
The Karate Perv (705) + Mr. Feeagi (932)
Dill (767) + Chud (939)
Nemute-o (663) + Tanjizzo (996)
Dr. Spray (836) + Enema (218)
Collect 2 and unlock a Custom Couple
Mrs.Pervtato Head
Batmawn (002) + Katwomawn (551)
Dickey (006) + Ginnie Mouse (363)
Pervit (008) + Miss Tig-O-Bitty (334)
Boner (010) + Large Simp-Son (364)
The Jerker (013) + Farty Quinn (127)
Sailor Poon (032) + Tuxedo Flask (714)
Shroomk (052) + Peeona (518)
Kanye Best (080) + Kim Lardashian (122)
Millimeter Peter (090) + Blois (319)
Mr. Thincredible (093) + Elasthicc Girl (516)
Travis Snott (110) + Kylie Jiggler (214)
Jay-V (132) + Queen Pervy B (324)
Hung Solo (134) + Playa (256)
Edward Cummin (160) + Loca (537)
Fred Flintbone (164) + Drillma (527)
Slob (294) + Chinda (708)
Bustin Tinderlake (408) + Bruteny Smears (628)
Kneela (473) + Pry (485)
Danny Puke-O (514) + Brandy (710)
Jessica Fappit (595) + Dodge-Her Rabbit (693)
Growku (064) + Ta-Ta (754)
Fullma (555) + Vageta (225)
Collect 2 and unlock a Custom Rival
Murio (005) + Trowser (165)
Thotzilla (012) + King Dong (027)
Spoodaman (016) + Vendumb (070)
Harry Perver (020) + Voldesnort (066)
Whorepion (026) + Perv-Zero (137)
Donkey Dong (063) + King K. Rule (732)
Growku (064) + Frimuncha (653)
Master Bator (075) + Luke Pervwalker (152)
Freddy Booger (082) + Jason Whorehees (115)
Bulk Hogan (086) + Yawndre The Giant (376)
Poki (088) + Therv (094)
Mewpoo (100) + Pew (188)
Captain Hooker (131) + Peter Perv (633)
Mupasta (580) + Sicar (634)
Omneedle Man (213) + Inwinceable (338)
Hylo Ren (243) + Rey Pervwalker (636)
Dankton (255) + Mr. Dabbs (321)
Wild-E Coyote (258) + Blow Runner (311)
Dwight Brute (356) + Jim Halperv (566)
Domelander (361) + Billy Coocher (447)
Magic Stick Johnson (370) + Larry Turd (506)
Xenoperv (390) + Predaperv (568)
Endoud (398) + Perviroth (434)
Master Sphincter (469) + Super Spreader (227)
Evander Holyear (816) + Mike Thyson (276)
Dr. Pevil (820) + Austin Showers (420)
The Heartbreak Perv (883) + Brett Fart (889)
Harry (757) + Tum (724)
Michael Bourbon (023) + Scottie Poppin (417)
Thirstula (959) + Hairyel (521)
Aladdsin (745) + Japhart (719)
Collect 3 and unlock a Custom Trio
Churizerd (015) + Shartmeleon (494) + Fartmander (330)
Harry Perver (020) + Ron Squeezly (452) + Herwhiny Granger (229)
Michael Bourbon (023) + Scottie Poppin (417) + Dennis Rodperv (264)
Captain Murica (048) + Tony Stank (051) +Therv (094)
Blassmoist (050) + Warturdle (436) + Squirter (378)
Penisaur (073) + Hiveysaur (601) + Pervasaur (386)
Luke Pervwalker (152) + Hung Solo (134) + Princess Playa (256)
Pervuto (156) + Suckura (810) + Gasuke (963)
Mikasa Slackerman (489) + Erin Yager (864) + Charmin Rawrlert (844)
Neslow (200) + Spinity (546) + Roofeus (453)
Bender-Over (219) + Pry (485) + Kneela (473)
Monkey D. Luffy (224) + Coronoa Boro (796) + Perv Leg (835)
Kervin (249) + Strummart (357) + Bub (781)
Ash Ketchcum (273), Misty (694), Crock (838)
Glossom (295) + Smothercup (567) + Tubbles (753)
Waang the Last Pervbender (337) + Sokka (805), Fatara (722)
Kevin McCallister (382) + Glairy (785) + Darv (926)
Dr. Doofusshmirtz (399) + (Perb) 556 + (Sineas) 587
Legoboss (476) + Araporn (508) + Gimpli (853)
Fed (638) + Dredd (764) + Spreddy (748)
Joe Petty (735) + Jimmy Pawnway (440) + Henri Hillarity (951)
Stewpid (936) + Fill (884) + Gallon (296)
Majizz Boo (935) + Pervfect Cellulite (860) + Frimuncha (653)
Pervsei (967) + Laime Lanisturd (783) + Tyrion Lannisturd (261)
Collect a Group and Unlock a Portrait
Dr. Robotdik (415) + Stonic (024) + Blamy (532) + Fails (297) + Schmuckles (429)
Skeve (776) + Mucus Pervix (933) + Commander Shepperv (285) + Master Beef (047) + Agent 69 (451)
Pervzio (250) + Headward Pervway (976) + Jayek Of Peewah (972) + Eivor Pervhalla (504)
George Susstanza (396) + Jerry Whinefield (260) + Elame (431) + Krameperv (590) + Pewman (772)
Ginman (865) + Borothy (691) + The Wicked Perv Of The West (656) + Lyin (789) + Barecrow (749)
Morbitcha (647) + Pubbsly (747) + Tomez (631) + Uncle Pester (856) + Pervsday Madams (585)
Stalky Balboa (061) + Naydrian (697) + Apollo Crude (379) + Drugo (729) + Clubber Lame (621)
Slob (294) + Chinda (708) + Tina Belchalot (108) + Lousqueeze Belcher (491) + Gene Belchalot (661)
The Pervfather (071) + Michael Whorleone (242) + Runny (640) + Tom Hagglen (890) + Predo (720)
Scooby-DooDoo (046) + Saggy (186) + Frud (799) + Laphne (768) + Sellma (541)
Tommy Dickles (166) + Chucky Chinster (531) + Anghellica Dickles (292) + Lilth (726) + Philth (665)
Eric Fartman (096) + Handsy Darsh (643) + Vyle (464) + Standsey Darsh (646) + Henny (293)
Peter Wankman (623) + Stainz (911) + Spankler (919) + Winceston (934) + Grimer (062) + Stay Perv'd (957)
Pervit (008) + Shnozo (943) + Miss Tig-O-Bitty (334) + Squeaker (662) + Whaminal (759) + Powlf (964) + Pozzie (970)
Elmho (112) + Big Berv (143) + Nookie Monster (154) + Bosscar The Perv (591) + Groper (486) + Squirt (443) + Pernie (617) + The Cunt (526) + Pervlleupagus (769)
Star-Bored (475) + Gawhora (794) + Drunkx (712) + Rocket Jackoon (535) + Baby Toot (155)
Frenn (913) + Barrel Dickson (793) + Michowned (715) + CORAL (605) + Weegan (481) + Rick Grimey (368)
Scumba (182) + Mupasta (580) + Sicar (634) + Rafreaky (905) + Titmone (916) + Poonba (888)
Spungeblob (004) + Fatrick Star (081) + Squidturd (150) + Mr. Dabbs (321) + Candy Butt-Cheeks (572) + Dankton (255)
Sailor Poon (032) + Tuxedo Flask (714) + Sailor Bars (116) + Sailor Penus (779) + Sailor Percury (830) + Sailor Stupider (180)
Craychel (335) + Chandler Bang (307) + Shmoey (637) + Moss (766) + Draumica (728) + Fibee (511)
Pic-hard (234) + Captain Smirk (562) + Spunk (124) + Gordo La Pudge (625) + Daytuh (885) + Borf (914)
Chunki-Lee (797) + Blinka (265) + Pyu (252) + Fren (510) + Thyson (927) + Pega (938) + Acuma (962)
Levi Asserman (159) + Mikasa Slackerman (489) + Erin Yager (864) + Vermin Smith (688) + Charmin Rawrlert (844) + The Pervy Frightan (746)
Master Sphincter (469) + Leonarddog (043) + Raphaesmell (197) + Dongatello (189) + Michelbungalo (009) + April TOE'Neil (573) + Master Spreader (227)
Mega Perv (158) + Mess (798) + Wamus (065) + Perby (077) + Captain Foulcan (341) + Donker (868) + Perv Fox (802)
Stiff-Woody (021) + Buzzed Lightbeer (068) + Dinky (857) + Sexx (807) + Jam (790) + Mr. Pervtato Head (145) + Mrs. Pervtato Head (478)
Pervgalf (148) + Frodo Beggins (310) + Samwise Scamgee (679) + Gropum (059) + Legoboss (476) + Gimpli (853) + Araporn (508)
Wed Wanksta (054) + Gween Wanger (017) + Stink Ranger (263) + Screw Ranger (353) + Jello Ranger (484) + Wack Ranger (529) + White Danger (192) + Lord Pred (862) + Tita Repulso (961)
Michael Thot (253) + Jim Halperv (566) + Pam Weasley (692) + Handley (760) + Jelly (801) + Phallys (873) + Dwight Brute (356) + Pevin (859) + Bosscar (937)
Murio (005) + Luweewee (140) + Thiccness Preach (113) + Laisy (780) + Wartio (288) + Waloogie (465) + Slowshi (044) + Trowser (165) +
Choad (741)
Whorepion (026) + Perv-Zero (137) + Gayden (423) + Heptile (924) + Clitana (855) + Johnny Rage (449) + Boneya Blayde (725) + Lu Bang (870) + Chorro (698) + Draino (891)
Millimeter Peeter Griffin (090) + Huey Griffin (039) + Cryan (119) + Blois (319) + Glenn Ragmire (230) + Peg Griffin (407) + Dick-Pic Kris (458) + Grieveland (545) + Joe Swampson (632) + Slurbert The Pervert (498)
Jon Blow (053) + Daenerfleas Fartgaryen (142) + Tyrion Lannisturd (261) + Hedd Snark (906) + Pervwell (960) + Pansa Snark (941) + Brawn (930) + Coughrey (557) + Scarya Stark (676) + Middle Finger (792) + Laime Lanisturd (783) + Pervsei (967)
Growku (064) + Vageta (225) + Ta-Ta (754) + Fullma (555) + Dohan (426) + Diccolo (438) + Bunks (736) + Pervfect Cellulite (860) + Frimuncha (653) + Broccly (915) + Majizz Boo (935) + Pegeto (966) + Hogeta (977)
Boner Simp-Son (010) + Large Simp-Son (364) + Fart Simp-Son (201) + Naggie (290) + Grisa (323) + Mr. Worms (497) + Helson (904) + Ned Blanders (612) + Apooh (765) + Cussty The Clown (515) + Doe (622) + Jarney (879)
Tuggs Bunny (019) + Flashy Duck (036) + Spazz the Spazzmanian Devil (410) + Sylvjester (418) + Pork-Her Pig (352) + Blow Runner (311) + Yosemite Wham (499) + Twerky Bird (248) + Pervy Le Pew (306) + Wild-E Coyote (258) + Helmer Fudder (397) + Pervin The Martian (405)
Harry Perver (020) + Ron Squeezly (452) + Herwhiny Granger (229) + Professor Dumblewhore (247) + Drako Mouthoy (608) + Professor McConoball (575) + Professor Grape (262) + Hagglerid (648) + Reville Pervbottom (922) + Dilby (763) + Serious Slack (824) + Voldesnort (066)
Preytos (104) + Endoud (398) + Rotten Tooth (437) + Smash Banditoot (040) + Flimsy Snake (233) + Dongte (359) + Ballsack Boi (782) + Nathan Cake (171) + Pervfappa The Perv (563) + Spybro (107) + Perviroth (434)
Chad Lee (949) + The Sorcerer Superv (903) + Dr. Gloom (770) + T'Holla (350) + Blaid (309) + Dickdevil (187) + Biles Morales (161) + Pervpool (139) + Therv (094) + Poki (088) + Wolverbean (076) + Vendumb (070) + The Incredible Sulk (067) + Tony Stank (051) + Captain Murica (048) + Thanus (018) + Spoodaman (016)
Stupaman (001) + Batmawn (002) + Blunder Woman (030) + Jerker (013) + The Flasher (060) + Farty Quinn (127) + Cockwaman (191) + Perv Lantern (280) + Cryborg (336) + Rubbin (421) + Katwomawn (551) + Slowis (597) + Martian Pervhunter (716) + Shaspam (737) + Cawkman (804) + Pervseid (822)
Luke Pervwalker (152) + Master Bater (075) + Brogu (101) + Chewcockka (118) + Hung Solo (134) + Highlo Ren (243) + Princess Playa (256) + The Pervalorion (282) + C-3PERVO (409) + R2PERV2 (441) + Darth Bawl (483) + Doughby Wan Zenobi (607) + Emperor Palpitations (624) + Rey Pervwalker (636) + The Pervtrooper (671) + Master Choda (677) + Bobuh Wett (743) + Far Far Blanks (928)
Pikachode (007) + Churizerd (015) + Blassmoist (050) + Penisaur (073) + Mewpoo (100) + Bengar (130) + Jigglyperv (141) + Pew (188) + Ash Ketchcum (273) + Fartmander (330) + Squirter (378) + Pervasaur (386) + Warturdle (436) + Shartmeleon (494) + Borelax (507) + Skeevie (512) + Artipervo (561) + Hiveysaur (601) + Faptos (603) + Pisty (694) + Moldtres (778) + Wagonaire (840) + Loogie (878)